COVID-19 Report at Hammontree and Morris Knowles Companies

COVID-19 Report at Hammontree and Morris Knowles Companies

We are happy to report all staff remains employed and working at Hammontree and Morris Knowles.  No employee has been laid off.  No pay cuts were implemented.  We have had no known cases of Covid-19 at our offices.  We will be needing additional staff by September 2020, including part time interns.

Our staff is focused on serving our customers.

“Respect our flag, it is the greatest symbol of hope and freedom born by man.”  Those who would disrespect it would steal your hope and freedom….. and theirs.

Thank you for your business.

Charles F. Hammontree

President and C.E.O.


Experience - So What?

We have been around, we claim we have seen and done it all. "Hire us. We have experience." Really? Is this the pitch to get the next project or win that big project you and all your competitors are vying to win? Don't we really want to say......